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    Stress is not a mere annoyance; stress kills.

    It is a must to master your anxiety and stress.

    Instilling wellness practices into your daily personal and professional life is the best gift you can give to yourself.

    Join me on a journey towards a zen lifestyle!

    See you soon!

    What is it all about?

    Hi! I’m Janine Mitchell, founder of Change for Success.

    I hold a Masters’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, I’m a published researcher and a fully trained hypnotherapist, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and NLP specialist.

    For the past 20+ years I've dedicated my life to helping

    hundreds of clients and companies feel more balanced, productive and focused.

    I know firsthand about the negative effects of stress, as I suffered my own burnout long ago. More about my personal story HERE.

    I look forward to helping you achieve optimum wellness, wishing you excellent health!